Onvertelde Verhalen van Slavernij

In de voorbereidingen op het project ‘Haarlemse herinneringen aan de slavernij’ bezoeken we enkele inspirerende bijeenkomsten over dit onderwerp.

Donderdag 20 juni waren we in Amsterdam Zuid-Oost. Hier werd de expositie Spoken Slavery geopend. Een interessante en mooie manier om slavernij bespreekbaar te maken.

Saidiya Hartman van de Colombia University, NY hield een lezing over Onvertelde Verhalen van Slavernij. 

Saida Hartman has explored the history of slavery, its abolition and its long lasting aftermath in strikingly diverse ways. Scenes of Subjection, Terror, Slavery and self -making in nineteenth century America (Oxford University Press 1997) researches forms of domination that exist in notions of innocent enjoyment or protection. The book brings thorough insights in the history of racism. She examines ‘scenes of subjection’ from every possible source, both tangible and intangible, ranging from the auction block, the minstrel show, the courtroom, to popular theatre and performance. In Lose Your Mother. A journey Along The Atlantic Slave Route (2007), she experiments with alternative forms of narrative.

Meer informatie: Noelle Beerepoot 023 5315842

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